I have the best husband.
He is so thoughtful and fun and funny and kind. He does everything he can to make me happy. And...maaaaybe I haven't been the most easy person to make happy these past 9 months:) He's been such an awesome support to me during my pregnancy. I'm constantly finding fun surprises when I get home, he takes off work to spend quality summer time with me, he watches chick flicks, massages my achy preggo bod, makes me dinner, listens to my worries and wondering thoughts, goes on bike rides even when he's tired after work, and takes me on fun adventures.
Meanwhile, he's running a successful business on his own. He's working hard so that I don't have to, and I'm fully impressed and appreciative. I'm really lucky to have him forever. And this little gal of ours is pretty lucky too!
I have a feeling Shane's going to be a real softy.
This is just one of the many surprises I have come home to recently. The best.
Flash mob in between matches at a pro
tennis tournament in LA.
Shane is talking to a worker, trying to get inside info regarding
how they
decide who gets to call the coin toss at
the beginning of a match...
he’s a proud tennis nerd.
Post surf, shirt optional, gourmet hot dog lunch.
So here's to you, awesome husband of mine! Thanks for all you do for me.
I can't wait to see you hold our little girl for the first time and watch you become the best dad ever.