Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A little introspection...

First of all, I'd like to say thank you for reading my blog. 
Thanks for the very nice comments. You make me feel really good! 

Lately I've been thinking a lot about becoming a mom...obviously.
I've also been thinking about social media and how we all now have "online personas," separate from our real selves. 

I was reading OC Family magazine after school one day, and came across an article that really resonated with me. It's called "The Myth of the Supermom." Here's a few snippets:

“We tend to get fooled by social media – seeing other moms’ highlight reels online,” says Ciaran Blumenfeld of Momfluential Media. “But that’s the edited version."

"Trying to live up to supermom status is like trying to achieve Barbie’s body type. It’s an unattainable, plastic fantasy.”  

It's so fun and meaningful for me to keep a record of our lives and share it with people I love. I'm thankful for the technology. It's crazy - so many more people know about my life from what they see online than what they see in person. Even my family!

I'll be the first to admit, when I post things online for all the world to see, I choose carefully. I'm in total control of what is on my Facebook and blog. My blog is exactly what Blumenfeld says - a "highlight reel." It doesn't show the days I go all day with no make up, stretchy pants, and then make frozen pizza for dinner. It doesn't show my grumpy moments or the weekends we just run errands and go to bed early. 

I don't want to pretend like my life is perfect or that I look good all the time. I'm not and I don't.
Those who know me in real life know that's the truth!

So here's to putting our best online foot forward, while remembering that everyone else is doing the same. 

The acticle has a happy ending:
“At the end of the day, the only ones who decide whether we are supermoms are our own kids,” says Blumenfeld. “To them, family is not a competition where the shiniest mom with the best party favors wins.”  

Here's a link to the full article. It's a good one.


N+C said...

This is ALWAYS good to remember. Thanks for the reminder. I think subconsciously I create this "super woman" figure in my mind. She's made up of all the ideal things about the people/things I see online. Too often I accidentally compare myself to her (Its weird how real she can feel.)
I think you're awesome... especially on the sweats and frozen pizza days;)

Brynne said...
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Brynne said...
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Brynne said...

Great article. So true. It is not about who can do the most in a day, have the best mini van, or the cleanest toilets. Our kids could care less about that. They just want to be loved, cared for and taught. So many times it is on those lazy days with no makeup and sweats, that I have the best quality time with my kids. Only you, your kids and the Lord really know if you are being the best mom you can be. We can get so wrapped up in "mom jobs" and forget about being a mother.

That being said, I also think it's important to still keep that "highlight reel" going. I treasure looking back at my blog...as do my kids! If you think about it, it's those good moments that we look back on and cherish. We try to forget the days full of whining, fighting, and laundry. ;)

You're going to be a great mom, Sal. You've got your stuff in order. ;) I love you!!!! Gosh, I miss you!!

Lance N Amy said...

Well said Sal! If I get outta my stretchy pants and brush my teeth, Im doing good...before noon. :)

Sarah said...

SUPER in love with this post!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

i Love that Sally! It's so true and I never really thought about it in comparison to a Barbie doll. Way cool.
Life's too short to compare ourselves to others. You are going to be a great mommy. I remember all those moments pregnant just wondering too. You'll have everything you need for the job. :)